
Why we did charity activity in Irisan elementary school

Where is “Irisan”…??

Irisan is a large area located in the outskirts of Baguio and was widely known for its dumpsite. Most refuse from Baguio goes to the landfill – roughly 150,000 kilograms in a single day… Around 110 scavenger families work there by picking materials to be recycled.


Purpose of having the activity in Irisan Elementary School

The reasons why we chose to hold the charity activity here are mainly for:

1. Communication

English skill can be improved not only inside the class with textbooks, but can also be attained by going out and talking with people outside. This is actually our strong belief.

In the Philippines, people usually start studying English when they are in elementary school, which means these students are still on the process to be fluent in English. This is a great chance for English learners in WALES academy like Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and some other foreigners to be able to produce an output and even teach kids what they have leaned and how to pass it on properly.


2. To know the ‘other’ situation in Baguio

“To know the situation in another country” is one of the biggest achievement to go or stay abroad.

Students generally stay in a school or only visit some landscapes while they study. Our students were also the same. However, there are many things, places and situations that they can not know without exploring.

As mentioned above, there is also a dumpsite in Baguio and a number of people there live with only PHP1,000~4,000(USD20~40) a month. This information is a good thing to know while students are in Baguio, Philippines.


English games

In order to be closer and have interaction with kids, English game is necessary. We prepared such games that are easy to do and prepare for while outside. If you are also planning to have this kind of activity or even as an ice-breaker in a class, these can help you out.

Group yourself / Gesture game / Vocabulary game / Newspaper game

Donating rain boots

Generally, May to October is the rainy season in the Philippines. Plenty amount of rain make peoples’ feet dirty because of wastes which surround the area.

However, most of families here sadly can not afford to buy rain boots. Kids usually wear sandals, not sneakers so that they do not need to care even if they would be wet…

Imagine that children get wet by dirty water everyday, it easily causes diseases.

This time, we prepared 50 pairs of rain boots to keep them away from this situation. Apparently, students could feel the importance of a simple stuff which we easily can buy and use daily.

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Jin (27)

Student information:
– Name: Jin
– Nationality: Korean
– Program: ESL Plus
– Duration: 12 weeks


저는 영어 회화 실력의 향상을 위해서 3개월간 웨일즈어학원에서 연수를 하였습니다.

웨일즈어학원을 선택한 이유는 한국학생이 많이 없고 내가 원하는 프로그램이 있었기 때문에 웨일즈어학원을 선택하였습니다.

3개월간 연수를 하면서 외국인 친구들도 많이 사귀고 영어실력도 제법 많이 향상했다고 생각합니다.

웨일즈어학원 선생님들의 실력도 만족하고 학원 환경과 규정 또한 저한테는 아무 문제도 없었습니다.

다른 사람들이 학원을 찾는다면 저는 웨일즈어학원을 추천해줄것 입니다.

Great environment let me improve!! / YEON (30)


Student information:
◇ Name: YEON
◇ Age: 30
◇ Nationality: KOREAN
◇ Program: ESL
◇ Duration: 8 weeks

Schools have a significant role in their students’ life.

To develop and to broaden their perspective, most students have difficulties in finding an English school which can mold them to become globally competitive in English.

I was motivated to learn English abroad but had trouble choosing which school to attend.
Many agencies introduced me different names of schools but I needed to consider many factors when choosing an academy.

Driven by her curiosity of WALES, a school that was introduced by my sister, I enrolled in this academy and stayed for 2months. I loved the learning environment for my teachers were good. “I like my teachers because they are kind, friendly, witty, approachable and professional. ”

I took the ESL program and was grateful that I had improved in English. I also developed my social skills when I went traveling around together with some students. Visiting Vigan, Hundred Islands, San Fernando and other places in the Philippines was a great opportunity for me because it provided real- life application of what she has learned.

I recommend WALES as an effective learning English school because the teachers and the administrative staffs are very kind and approachable. If I would be given the chance to continue studying English, I would want to be back because the school has become a part of my life and I want to cherish all the memories.



Aurora (32) 여성, 대만

Student information:
– Name: Aurora
– Nationality: Taiwanese
– Program: TOEIC
– Duration: 20 weeks

나는 이전에 세부와 바기오를 여행으로 방문한 적이 있었다. 내가 어학원을 선택할때 기후와 공부환경을 고려 했었다. 내가 웨일즈를 선택한 것은 최고의 선택이라고 생각한다.

학생들은 입학시험을 치뤄야하고 그 이후에 학생들의 레벨에 따라 스케줄을 부여하여준다. 나는 ESL코스를 선택하였으며, 1:1 6시간과 그룹 2시간의 수업을 진행하였다.

그룹수업에서 우리의 선생님은 주제를 정하고 우리에게 토론을 하게끔 진행을 한다. 반복적인 연급으로 인해 지금 나는 외국인과 대화를 하거나 나의 의견을 표현할때 편하고 빠른 속도로 응대할 수 있게끔 되었다.

1:1수업의 선생님들은 나의 영어실력 (리스닝, 스피킹, 리딩, 라이팅)을 자연스럽게 향상시키게 끔 빡빡하고 강도 높은 수업 형태를 보여주었다.

웨일즈어학원은 또한 음식과 기숙사 환경에 많은 노력을 기울였다는 것을 보여주었다. 매일 바뀌는 메뉴는 다른나라에서 온 학생들에게도 높은 만족도를 보여주었다. 나는 또한 깨끗한 기숙사와 서비스(매일 청소를 해줌)는 나를 편하고 쾌적한 느낌이 들게 해주었다. 나의 클래스메이트는 다른나라 학생이었는데 나에게 문화교류 등의 경험을 하게 해주었다. 나에게는 정말 좋은 경험이었고, 즐거운 경험이었다.

나의 토익점수는 잘못된 공부방법으로 인하여 800점에 머물러 있었다. 하지만 내가 웨일즈를 졸업할 무렵 토익시험을 치루었고 나는 865점을 획듣하는데 성공했다.

웨일즈에서의 2달간의 영어교육에 감사하고, 문화교류 경험이 나의 미래에 굉장히 도움을 줄것이라고 믿습니다.