
여성전용 기숙사 [Ladies Premium] 오픈!!!

◇ Ladies Premium [여성전용 프리미엄 기숙사] ◇ Apart type – Separate Single [콘도 쉐어형 타입 (남성/여성)]
※Room names would be a bit changed based on nationalities.

웨일즈어학원의 럭셔리한 기숙사가 새로운 개념의 쉐어형 타입으로 이용가능합니다.
필리핀 바기오에서 럭셔리한 쉐어타입 기숙사와 여성전용 기숙사에서 내집같이 편안하고 안전하게 어학연수 생활을 즐기세요.


[ Ladies Premium / 여성전용 프리미엄 기숙사 ]
이 기숙사는 여성만이 이용할 수 있는 기숙사 입니다.
총 7명이 함께 사용을 하게 됩니다. 웨일즈어학원 건물의 최상층의 펜트 하우스에 위치한 기숙사는 2개층으로 구성되어 있으며 5개의 방(1인실 3개, 2인실 2개)과 2개의 화장실, 거실, 부엌, 전망좋은 베란다로 구성되어 있습니다. 각 다른 국적의 학생들이 함께 사용하는 기숙사 타입은 어학연수 최고의 환경을 여러분께 제공할 것입니다.
・ 오직 여성분들 />・ 최대 2명의 같은 국적 학생들 (국적비율 조정)
・ 주방 이용가능
싱글쉐어: $540
트윈쉐어: $420
* 4주 단위 가격  /  * 전기 수도세 : P2,000


[ Apart type – Separate Single / 콘도 쉐어형 타입 (남성/여성)]
콘도형 쉐어타입 기숙사가 오픈했습니다.
이 기숙사는 방 2개 거실, 화장실, 주방, 베란다가 있습니다.
학생들은 각 다른방을 사용하지만 거실과, 화장실, 주방, 베란다 등 공용공간을 공유합니다.
넓은 기숙사 공간에서 편안하고 고급스러운 어학연수 생활을 원하는 학생들을 위한 기숙사 타입 입니다.
・ 충분한 개인시간 + 생황영어 활용
・ 넓은 공용공간을 즐기기
・ 주방이용가능
2명 공용 개인방 사용: $750
* 4주 단위 가격  /  * 전기, 수도세: P4,000

The SECRETS of Teachers in WALES ~Pronunciation Training~ [YouTube]

Hello! Today’s our news letter topic is “Pronunciation training”. A few days ago, we introduced lecture trainings for teachers in another news letter. This time we will show you how teachers get pronunciation lecture skills and teach students good pronunciation.

When it comes to pronunciation, many Japanese have strong accents, which hinder students from improving their English skills. Therefore we put a special emphasis on pronunciation trainings both for teachers and students.
Especially for teachers, we provide

1.1 week special trainings for new teachers
2. Every day teachers’ training

We provide teachers how to teach pronunciation effectively so that they can use those methods in classes.

For example, there is [ə] : sound in English pronunciation, which is called “schwa”. This is a very obscure sound, but by using it effectually, your pronunciation becomes more native-like.To achieve this pronunciation, teachers are trained to pronounce it with their mouths closed, which makes their Philippine accents into native accents. They can also teach students that method.

Click here to watch YouTube now↓

“Every day training” enhance and maintain the quality of education

Hello! Our topics for today’s news letter is…
1. Daily training for teachers
2. The ratio of nationalities

1.Daily training for teachers
We provide teachers two types of training, which are
a.Lecture style
b.”Peer teaching” style
a.Lecture training
Experienced teachers will be trainers and teach other teachers, especially focusing on pronunciation and grammar. This training is very common among language academies in the philippines.
b.”Peer teaching”
“Peer” means people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc.

In “Peer teaching” training,teachers make groups of 4-5 people (usually the members of groups are close friends), and teach their strong subjects each other. It is just like a combination of lectures and discussions. For instance, one teacher share his or her teaching methods with other teachers. After that, other teachers ask questions and they start discussions. As they are “peers”, the duscussions would be more active and effective to find the best way of teaching.

WALES maintains high quality of education by doing daily training for teachers.
2. The ration of nationalities(November 14, 2016)
Korean 44%
Japanese 10%
Taiwanese 12%
Yemen 12%
Saudi Arabia 15%
Palestine 7%

Learning from the Presentations

Hi! Today’s topic for our news letter is “Presentation Activity”.

1.Presentation Activity
We conducted a presentation activity at the end of September,2016.
We made groups depending on students’ nationalities and students presented about cutures of their countries. They had prepared for one week and practiced enthusiastically.
a. Our purposes of this presentation activity are
・To learn and understand other cultures each other
・To understand the difference of languages and gestures between cultures and prevent misunderstandings.
b. The contents of students’ presentations are
・Tabbo manners
・Unique bahaviours and cultures in theie countries
・Sightseeing spots
・Family cultures etc.
c. Time Table
9:00-9:30 Taiwan (including questions)
9:30-10:00 Japan
10:00-10:30 Saudi Arabia
10:30-11:00 Korea
11:00-11:30 Comments
Many students asked questions and we had good debates together. By answering questions, we also found new aspeccts of our cultures.
After the presentation activity, students got feedbacks on their grammar, pronunciation and presentation structures in the afternoon classes, which led students to enhance their speaking skills.
2.The Ratio of Nationalities (October 6, 2016)
Korean 36%
Japanese 18%
Taiwanese 4%
Yemen 18%
Saudi Arabia 18%
Parestine 4%

Presentation Contest

TOPIC: Presentation Contest

1. Presentation Contest
In WALES, we have a presentation training for teachers, which is called “Mini Toast Masters”. All teachers are required to present in front of four evaluators and other teachers. But of course, students can join if they want! It hepls them a lot to find their weaknesses.
 1. Two teachers are selected randomly.
 2. Topics are determined by drawing lots.
 3. 1 min preparation
 4. 3 min speech
 5. Feedback (time keeping, pronunciation, grammar etc.)

I also joined onece, and it was challenging ^^; My topic was “What is the difference between happiness and happyness?”. Humm… it was difficult.
This practice is very effective not only for grammar and pronunciation skills but also presentation skills.

2.The ratio of nationality
Korean 38%
Japanese 15%
Taiwanese 8%
Yemen 8%
Saudi Arabia 27%
Libia 4%