
Great environment let me improve!! / YEON (30)


Student information:
◇ Name: YEON
◇ Age: 30
◇ Nationality: KOREAN
◇ Program: ESL
◇ Duration: 8 weeks

Schools have a significant role in their students’ life.

To develop and to broaden their perspective, most students have difficulties in finding an English school which can mold them to become globally competitive in English.

I was motivated to learn English abroad but had trouble choosing which school to attend.
Many agencies introduced me different names of schools but I needed to consider many factors when choosing an academy.

Driven by her curiosity of WALES, a school that was introduced by my sister, I enrolled in this academy and stayed for 2months. I loved the learning environment for my teachers were good. “I like my teachers because they are kind, friendly, witty, approachable and professional. ”

I took the ESL program and was grateful that I had improved in English. I also developed my social skills when I went traveling around together with some students. Visiting Vigan, Hundred Islands, San Fernando and other places in the Philippines was a great opportunity for me because it provided real- life application of what she has learned.

I recommend WALES as an effective learning English school because the teachers and the administrative staffs are very kind and approachable. If I would be given the chance to continue studying English, I would want to be back because the school has become a part of my life and I want to cherish all the memories.



Moha (21)Male, Yemen

Student information:
– Name: MOHA
– Nationality: YEMEN
– Program: ESL
– Duration: 24 weeks

“To be able to learn a new language, you have to see it, listen to it, and speak it,” reas- suringly uttered Mo- hammed Abdulwali Ahmad Khashafa, in short, Moha.
This young man, who aspires to be a “secret agent”, deliberately explored his capabil- ities as he stepped into the Philippines. Fortu- nately, among all the schools in Baguio that he could have entered, he chose WALES. He was at ease to be welcomed by one of the school’s
agents, Rio, whose smiles gave him a heartfelt and inviting first impression. From then on, he knew he would feel at home at the academy.
He took the ESL Flexible program of the school where he was able to meet his 25 teachers in the span of 5 months. He believes that each person has their own unique qualities that he could learn from. They may come in a variety of faces but they can make learning an enjoyable and informative experience about life. They can bring out the best in you as much as amend the worst.
He saw how he and such things can be made better. He hopes to see WALES improve in the near future.

Aurora (32) Female, Taiwanese

Student information:
– Name: Aurora
– Nationality: Taiwanese
– Program: TOEIC
– Duration: 20 weeks


新生入學時需做測驗,學校會依學生程度給予分班。我報名的Power ESL有二堂團體課及六堂一對一課程。小班制的團體課,老師會選定主題請同學分享意見或互相辯論,在多次練習下,我不僅可以和外國同學溝通、且能自信的用英文在台上表達自己的想法。一對一的老師都很認真親切,在無壓力的學習下,我的聽說讀寫能力都有明顯進步。



Cool (30) Female, Taiwanese

Student information:
– Name: Cool
– Nationality: Taiwanese
– Program: ESL
– Duration: 20 weeks




Mei (26) Female, Taiwanese

Student information:
– Name: Mei
– Nationality: Taiwanese
– Program: ESL and IELTS
– Duration: 8 weeks


• 完整的生活機能

• 溫馨小學校
